BDD style Unit Testing

il y a 12 ans 9560 Vues

RSpec 讓你愛上寫測試

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Git and Github

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Service-Oriented Design and Implement with Rails3

il y a 13 ans 4551 Vues

Rails3 changesets

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遇見 Ruby on Rails

il y a 13 ans 5690 Vues

Designing Ruby APIs

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Rails Security

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Rails Performance

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Distributed Ruby and Rails

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Ruby 入門 第一次就上手

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Rails Best Practices

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Ruby 程式語言入門導覽

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Ruby on Rails : RESTful 和 Ajax

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Ruby on Rails : 簡介與入門

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Cucumber: 小黃瓜驗收測試工具

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Building Web Interface On Rails

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Ruby 1.9

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Rails 生態圈一覽

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Ruby 程式語言簡介

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