Design for Continuous Experimentation

Dan McKinley il y a 11 ans

Apresentação do Modelo de Negócios Canvas

Thiago Paiva il y a 12 ans

Dependency Injection with PHP 5.3

Fabien Potencier il y a 14 ans

D&d 50 aventuras prontas

Talles Amony il y a 10 ans

CouchDB Vs MongoDB

Gabriele Lana il y a 14 ans

Design patterns revisited with PHP 5.3

Fabien Potencier il y a 13 ans

Embedding Jaspersoft into your PHP application

Mariano Luna il y a 11 ans

Your code sucks, let's fix it! - php|tek13

Rafael Dohms il y a 11 ans

Composer: putting dependencies on the score

Rafael Dohms il y a 11 ans

Dependency injection in PHP 5.3/5.4

Fabien Potencier il y a 12 ans

Mastering selenium for automated acceptance tests

Nick Belhomme il y a 11 ans

Mastering Namespaces in PHP

Nick Belhomme il y a 13 ans

PHP para Adultos: Clean Code e Object Calisthenics

Guilherme Blanco il y a 9 ans

PHPUnit testing to Zend_Test

Michelangelo van Dam il y a 14 ans

Composer for Busy Developers - php|tek13

Rafael Dohms il y a 11 ans

Mastering composer

Adán Lobato Lorenzo il y a 10 ans

What's new, what's hot in PHP 5.3

Jeremy Coates il y a 15 ans

Comunicacao efetiva e eficaz com o metamodelo

Marcelo Neves il y a 11 ans