Unwritten Manual for Pair Programming

il y a 5 ans 1290 Vues

Scrum Events and Artifacts in Action

il y a 6 ans 1608 Vues

DevOps & Technical Agility: From Theory to Practice

il y a 6 ans 1301 Vues

Git Anti Patterns - XP Days Ukraine 2017

il y a 6 ans 1584 Vues

Waste Driven Development - Agile Coaching Serbia Meetup

il y a 6 ans 955 Vues

Clean Software Design - DevNot Summit Istanbul 2017

il y a 6 ans 1516 Vues

Test Driven Design - GDG DevFest Istanbul 2016

il y a 7 ans 245041 Vues

Git - Bildiğiniz Gibi Değil

il y a 8 ans 4097 Vues