Using NuGet the way you should - TechDays NL 2014

il y a 10 ans 2471 Vues

dotMemory 4 - What's inside?

il y a 10 ans 2804 Vues

An overview of the NuGet ecosystem -

il y a 10 ans 2296 Vues

How it's made - MyGet (CloudBurst)

il y a 10 ans 2195 Vues

Brewing Beer with Windows Azure - NDC2013

il y a 10 ans 1634 Vues

How it's Made - MyGet - TechEd NA

il y a 10 ans 1442 Vues

How it's made - - AzureConf

il y a 11 ans 1300 Vues

Brewing Beer with Windows Azure

il y a 11 ans 1167 Vues

Brewing Beer with Windows Azure UKWAUG

il y a 11 ans 1426 Vues

Brewing Beer with Windows Azure (

il y a 11 ans 1009 Vues

Brewing Beer with Windows Azure - ASPConf

il y a 11 ans 1434 Vues