Mute Java EE DNA with CDI

Antoine Sabot-Durand il y a 7 ans

Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you

Markus Eisele il y a 7 ans

NetBeans Day 2016 - Getting the best of NetBeans IDE

Leonardo Zanivan il y a 7 ans

Physical web

Jeff Prestes il y a 8 ans

A Post-Apocalyptic sun.misc.Unsafe World

Christoph Engelbert il y a 8 ans

Thrift vs Protocol Buffers vs Avro - Biased Comparison

Igor Anishchenko il y a 11 ans

Making Java REST with JAX-RS 2.0

Dmytro Chyzhykov il y a 10 ans

Reactive Microservices mit Vert.x 3

codepitbull il y a 8 ans

Principais diagramas da UML

Jéssica Nathany Carvalho Freitas il y a 8 ans

O que é ser um bom programador?

Lucas Boeing Scarduelli il y a 8 ans

Consequences of an Insightful Algorithm

Carina C. Zona il y a 8 ans