Following the Money Behind Intellectual Property Law

il y a 7 ans 284 Vues

Who Gets Left Behind as Remix Goes Mainstream?

il y a 7 ans 443 Vues

Fair Use and the Visual Arts

il y a 7 ans 370 Vues

Brief history of online culture pre 2007

il y a 7 ans 557 Vues

Configurable Collectives & Posthuman Rights

il y a 9 ans 1370 Vues

Sharing in Spirit: Kopimism and the Digital Eucharist

il y a 10 ans 1171 Vues

Why Doesn't the 'Brooklyn Sound' Sound Like Brooklyn?

il y a 10 ans 2001 Vues

Music and Copyright: A Hot, Stinking Mess

il y a 10 ans 2424 Vues

3D Printing: Mo' Markets, Mo' Problems

il y a 10 ans 1011 Vues

#Kopimism considered: Sophistry, sacrament or scam?

il y a 10 ans 2509 Vues

The State of Webradio: Pandora vs. Apple

il y a 10 ans 5546 Vues