Fashion Marketing - Advanced Consumer Behaviour Class

il y a 6 ans 1927 Vues

Happy Nudges - Behavioural Economics and Happiness

il y a 7 ans 5027 Vues

The Uberfication of Advertising

il y a 8 ans 9631 Vues

Psych Eye for the Sponsorship Guy

il y a 9 ans 3108 Vues

Psych Eye for the Social Media Guy

il y a 9 ans 2329 Vues

Psych Eye for the Innovation Guy

il y a 9 ans 3957 Vues

Display Value - The Psychology of Conspicuous Consumption

il y a 9 ans 5152 Vues

Reputation Management and Social Media

il y a 10 ans 28686 Vues

Social Utility: How to Turn Social Media into Social Sales

il y a 12 ans 8857 Vues

Social Media and Crisis Communications for PR People

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Facebook Foodcourt

il y a 12 ans 1756 Vues

F-Commerce and the SoLoMo Consumer

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The F-Commerce FAQ

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How Big Retail Deploys Social Commerce

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Social Commerce for luxury

il y a 13 ans 3212 Vues

Net Promoter and Social Media - A Strategy for Retailers

il y a 13 ans 4307 Vues