AI assisted creativity

il y a 6 ans 1259 Vues

Creativity and AI: 
Deep Neural Nets "Going Wild"

il y a 7 ans 2332 Vues

Deep Neural Networks 
that talk (Back)… with style

il y a 7 ans 2364 Vues

Building a Deep Learning (Dream) Machine

il y a 7 ans 2879 Vues

Deep learning for natural language embeddings

il y a 7 ans 1861 Vues

Creative AI & multimodality: looking ahead

il y a 8 ans 2983 Vues

Explore Data: Data Science + Visualization

il y a 8 ans 4174 Vues

Deep Learning as a Cat/Dog Detector

il y a 8 ans 36416 Vues

Deep Learning for Information Retrieval

il y a 8 ans 10472 Vues

Graph, Data-science, and Deep Learning

il y a 9 ans 2002 Vues

Deep Learning: a birds eye view

il y a 9 ans 8286 Vues

Learning to understand phrases by embedding the dictionary

il y a 9 ans 1850 Vues

Zero shot learning through cross-modal transfer

il y a 9 ans 9942 Vues

Visual-Semantic Embeddings: some thoughts on Language

il y a 9 ans 4555 Vues

Deep Learning, an interactive introduction for NLP-ers

il y a 9 ans 13724 Vues