Kubecon seattle 2018 workshop slides

il y a 5 ans 970 Vues

Flagger: Istio Progressive Delivery Operator

il y a 5 ans 3209 Vues

GitOps A/B testing with Istio and Helm

il y a 5 ans 1841 Vues

Continuous Lifecycle London 2018 Event Keynote

il y a 6 ans 4080 Vues

PromQL Deep Dive - The Prometheus Query Language

il y a 6 ans 27670 Vues

Continuous Delivery the Hard Way with Kubernetes

il y a 6 ans 914 Vues

Orchestrating Microservices with Kubernetes

il y a 6 ans 2357 Vues

Introduction to Microservices

il y a 6 ans 197 Vues

Cloud Native Apps with GitOps

il y a 6 ans 1853 Vues

Continuous Delivery the Hard Way with Kubernetes

il y a 6 ans 1343 Vues

How to Install and Use Kubernetes by Weaveworks

il y a 6 ans 858 Vues

Microservices and Best Practices

il y a 6 ans 559 Vues

Introduction to the Container Network Interface (CNI)

il y a 6 ans 12129 Vues

Kubernetes Networking 101

il y a 6 ans 6689 Vues